  • استاذ دكتور محمد محمود هاشم
  • معهد بحوث الصناعات النسيجية
  • قسم التحضيرات والتجهيزات
  • الأستاذ الدكتور/ ممدوح معوض
  • معهد بحوث الهندسة الوراثية والتكنولوجيا الحيوية
  • قسم الكيمياء الحيوية
  • استاذ دكتور حسين درويش
  • معهد بحوث الصناعات الكيماوية غير العضوية والموارد المعدنية
  • قسم أبحاث الزجاج


Picture Name Institute Department Degree Orcid
Mohamed Foli Mostafa Awad Chemical Industries Research division Packaging &Packing Materials Researcher Assistant
Asmaa Nabil Ibrahem Al-kassfarity Chemical Industries Research division Packaging &Packing Materials Researcher Assistant 0000-0003-4541-586X
mohammed metwally gomaa ahmad Physics Research division Department of Solid State Physics Assistant Researcher
taha farag taha saad Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research division Natural and Microbial Products.
mahmoud mohammed ismail mohammed Physics Research division Department of Solid State Physics Assistant Researcher
Mahmoud Mohamed Abou-Elsoud Food Industry and Nutrition Research division Fats and Oils
heba abd el aziz moussa abd alla Agriculture and Biology Research division Botany Department Assistant Researcher
Rania Abd elrazik Abd El moneim Abd El Aal Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research division Natural and Microbial Products. Assistant Researcher 0000-0003-2140-2431
lobna morad mohamed Physics Research division Department of Solid State Physics Assistant Researcher
Mohamed Hamed Sayed Mohamed Physics Research division Department of Solid State Physics Researcher 0000-0002-8606-7155
Heidi Mohamed Abdel-Mageed Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research division Molecular Biology Researcher 0000-0002-2944-1518
mohamed saleh taha Medical Research Division Research division Children of Special Needs Researcher
Eman Abdelmotaleb Bayomi Abdallah Human Genetics & Genome Research division Biochemical Genetics. Assistant Researcher
Amir Ali Ibrahim elzwawy Inorganic Chemical Industries and Mineral Resources Research division Refractories, Ceramics & Building Materials Researcher Assistant
Amr Galal Abdelraheem Ibrahim Division of Environmental Research Water Pollution Research Assistant Researcher
Omnia Gamal Ahmed Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research division Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Researches Department Researcher Assistant
Ahmad Lotfy Abdelmohsin Ahmad Medical Research Division Research division Children of Special Needs Researcher
Sara Ahmed Kassem Mohammed Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research division Natural and Microbial Products. Assistant Researcher
Hanem Ibrahem Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research division Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Researches Department Researcher Assistant
Remonda Philip Sourial Dimian Agriculture and Biology Research division Soil & Water use Department Researcher Assistant


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