Short Name | Arabic Name | Institute | Title | Source Title | ISSNFULL | Evaluation Year |
Ibrahim, Faten M. | فاتن محمد إبراهيم على منصور | معهد بحوث الصناعات الصيدلية والدوائية | Effect of banana peel extract or tryptophan on growth, yield and some biochemical aspects of quinoa plants under water deficit | International Journal of PharmTech Research | 9744304 | 2016 |
Mahfouze, Heba A. | هبه امين محفوظ عفيفى | معهد بحوث الهندسة الوراثية والبيوتكنولوجى | Identification of molecular marker linked to Potato virus y resistance in potato cultivars treated with ribosome inactivating proteins (RIPS) | International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences | 9756299 | 2016 |
Mahfouze, Heba A. | هبه امين محفوظ عفيفى | معهد بحوث الهندسة الوراثية والبيوتكنولوجى | Genotoxicity evaluation of salicylic acid in potato cultivars inoculated with potato virus yntn using issr markers | International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences | 9756299 | 2016 |
El-Hallouty, Salwa M. | سلوى محمد محمود الهلوتى | معهد بحوث الصناعات الصيدلية والدوائية | Synthesis and anticancer evaluation of some new poly functionally substituted pyrimidine-2-thione derivatives | Der Pharma Chemica | 0975413X | 2016 |
El-Rafie, Hanaa M. | هناء محمد حسين سعد الدين الرافعى | معهد بحوث الصناعات الصيدلية والدوائية | Phytochemical studies of Ficus Binnendijkii leaf extracts: Fractionation and bioactivities of its petroleum ether extract | International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research | 9754873 | 2016 |
Rashed, Khaled Nabih Zaki | خالد نبيه زكى راشد | معهد بحوث الصناعات الصيدلية والدوائية | Antioxidant capacity and antimicrobial activity of Selected aromatic egyptian plants: Promising raw materials for "superfoods" and dietary supplements | Agro Food Industry Hi-Tech | 17226996 | 2016 |
Fayad, Walid | وليد محمد اسامه حسين فياض | معهد بحوث الصناعات الصيدلية والدوائية | Investigating on the Correlation Between Some Biological Activities of Marine Sponge-Associated Bacteria Extracts and Isolated Diketopiperazines | Current Microbiology | 3438651 | 2016 |
Shahat, Abdelaaty A. | عبد العاطى عبد العزيز شحاته | معهد بحوث الصناعات الصيدلية والدوائية | Synthesis and NAD(P)H: Quinone oxidoreductase 1 inducer activity of acetamide and pyridine-3-carbonitrile derivatives | Biomedical Research (India) | 0970938X | 2016 |
Hassan, Laila K. | ليلى خالد حسن جوده | معهد بحوث الصناعات الغذائية والتغذية | Evaluation of hypolipedimic activity of ethanol precipitated cress seed and flaxseed mucilage in wister albino rats | Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences | 9758585 | 2016 |
El-Shobaki, Fawzi A. | فوزى امين السيد الشوبكى | معهد بحوث الصناعات الغذائية والتغذية | The mechanism underlying hyperglycemia in streptozotocin injected rats and the effect of a dietary supplement | International Journal of PharmTech Research | 9744304 | 2016 |
Badawy, Ibrahim H. | ابراهيم حسن على بدوى | معهد بحوث الصناعات الغذائية والتغذية | The mechanism underlying hyperglycemia in streptozotocin injected rats and the effect of a dietary supplement | International Journal of PharmTech Research | 9744304 | 2016 |
Abdelkarem, Hala M. | هاله محمد مختارحسين عبد الكريم | معهد بحوث الصناعات الغذائية والتغذية | Dietary approach and its relationship with metabolic syndrome components | International Journal of PharmTech Research | 9744304 | 2016 |
Wahba, Saneya Abdel Azim | سنيه عبد العظيم وهبه | معهد البحوث الطبية | Dietary behaviour pattern and physical activity in overweight and obese Egyptian mothers: Relationships with their children’s body mass index | Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | 18575749 | 2016 |
Monir, Zeinab M. | زينب محمد منير عبد الحليم | معهد البحوث الطبية | A worksite health education workshop as empowerment intervention for health promotion in the National Research Centre of Egypt | Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | 18575749 | 2016 |
Abdel Hamid, Enas Raafat | ايناس رأفت عبد الحميد | معهد البحوث الطبية | Dietary behaviour pattern and physical activity in overweight and obese Egyptian mothers: Relationships with their children’s body mass index | Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | 18575749 | 2016 |
Hamid, Enas R Abdel | ايناس رأفت عبد الحميد | معهد البحوث الطبية | Omentin-1: Novel target in childhood obesity | Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences | 9758585 | 2016 |
Hameed, Enas Raafat Abdel | ايناس رأفت عبد الحميد | معهد البحوث الطبية | Potential activity of S100B level towards metabolic syndrome in obese children | Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences | 9758585 | 2016 |
Abu Shady, Mones M. | مؤنس محمود ابراهيم ابو شادى | معهد البحوث الطبية | Dietary behaviour pattern and physical activity in overweight and obese Egyptian mothers: Relationships with their children’s body mass index | Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | 18575749 | 2016 |
Ibrahim, Tarek Salah | طارق محمد صلاح الدين | معهد البحوث الطبية | Dietary behaviour pattern and physical activity in overweight and obese Egyptian mothers: Relationships with their children’s body mass index | Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | 18575749 | 2016 |
Ali, Abd El Aziz | على عبد العزيز على محمد | معهد البحوث الطبية | Potential activity of S100B level towards metabolic syndrome in obese children | Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences | 9758585 | 2016 |
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