Picture | Name | Institute | Department | Degree | Orcid |
Nermeen Hosni Ali Elzairy | Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research division | Natural and Microbial Products. | Researcher Assistant | 0000-0002-2852-862X |
Rasha Ezzat Mostafa Ramadan | Medical Research Division Research division | Pharmacology | Assistant Professor | 0000-0002-5765-350X |
Mohamed Mahmoud Ali Elnagar | Inorganic Chemical Industries and Mineral Resources Research division | Inorganic Chemistry | Assistant Researcher | 0000-0003-4315-3878 |
Hazem Hamza | Division of Environmental Research | Water Pollution Research | Researcher Assistant | 0000-0002-9862-5628 |
aya abdelkhalek goda farag elaidy | Human Genetics & Genome Research division | Department of Genetics and Cytology | Assistant Researcher | 0000-0002-7092-7018 |
Hazem Mohamed El-Hariri | Medical Research Division Research division | Community Medicine | Assistant Researcher | 0000-0001-9886-2087 |
Sayeda Abdelrazek Abdelhamid | Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research division | Department of Microbial Biotechnology | Assistant Researcher | 0000-0002-1699-7445 |
Khaled A. Hussein | Oral & Dental Research division | Researcher | 0000-0003-0824-511X | |
Zeinab Khaled Saad Hamza | Food Industry and Nutrition Research division | Toxins & Food Pollutants | Assistant Researcher | |
seham samir soliman awadalla | Veterinary Research division | Animal Reproduction & Artificial Insemination | Assistant Researcher | |
Alaa Hassan Sayed | Medical Research Division Research division | Hormones | Researcher | alaaelshami@yahoo.com |
Hanaa Mahmoud sayed Ali | Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research division | Department of Genetics and Cytology | 0000-0002-6870-7585 | |
Lamiaa Mohamed Salem Tahon | Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research division | Cell Biology | Assistant Professor | |
Gamal Eldein Fathy Abd-ellatef Abd-elrahman | Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research division | Therapeutically Chemistry. | Assistant Researcher | 0000-0003-0858-4840 |
Sara Sobhy Ahmed Kishta | Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research division | Department of Microbial Biotechnology | Assistant Researcher | 0000-0002-5187-6243 |
Rasha Fouad Ismail Ahmed | Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research division | Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Researches Department | Researcher | 0000-0002-7911-5438 |
Marwa Mamdouh Mohamed Tawfik | Veterinary Research division | Hydrobiology Department | Researcher Assistant | 0000-0003-0514-4348 |
Ahmed Mohamed Ezzat Elwan | Medical Research Division Research division | Children of Special Needs | Researcher Assistant | 0000-0002-3329-1495 |
Dِr. Amir Elsayed Mahmoud Tantawy | Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research division | Clinical Genetics Department | Researcher | 0000-0001-5698-6727 |
Ahmed Abdel-salam Elsayed | Chemical Industries Research division | Department of Applied Organic Chemistry | Assistant Researcher | 0000-0003-3878-0025 |
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