  • استاذ دكتور محمد محمود هاشم
  • معهد بحوث الصناعات النسيجية
  • قسم التحضيرات والتجهيزات
  • الأستاذ الدكتور/ ممدوح معوض
  • معهد بحوث الهندسة الوراثية والتكنولوجيا الحيوية
  • قسم الكيمياء الحيوية
  • استاذ دكتور حسين درويش
  • معهد بحوث الصناعات الكيماوية غير العضوية والموارد المعدنية
  • قسم أبحاث الزجاج


Picture Name Institute Department Degree Orcid
Enaam Mohammed AbouZeid Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research division Pharmacognosy Assistant Researcher
Asmaa Magdy Ahmed Mohamed Abozied Physics Research division Spectroscopy Department Assistant Researcher 0000-0001-8490-2308
Mohamed KHaled AbdElkader Eid Oral & Dental Research division Basic Dental Sciences Department Assistant Researcher
moustafa nouh abdelrheem badr elemeery Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research division Department of Microbial Biotechnology Assistant Researcher
Amina Nabih AbdElhameed AbdElwahab Oral & Dental Research division Basic Dental Sciences Department Assistant Researcher
Mona Abdullah Abdullaziz Mahmoud Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research division Natural and Microbial Products. Researcher Assistant 0000-0003-2310-9538
Mohamed Abdelmoghny Ramadan Helal Veterinary Research division Department of Parasitology and Animal Diseases Assistant Researcher
Sahera Fathallah Mohamed Ali Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research division Department of Microbial Biotechnology Researcher Professor 0000-0002-5328-2182
Ahmed Abdel Fattah Ibrahim Soliman Hasabo Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research division Pharmacognosy Researcher 0000-0002-5046-8088
Mona Mohammad Abd Elmageed Agwa Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research division Natural and Microbial Products. Researcher 0000-0003-0232-7616
wael abdullah ahmed abdullah Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research division Phytochemistry Department Assistant Researcher 0000-0003-2449-7050
Fatma Elzahraa Sayed Mohamed Food Industry and Nutrition Research division Department of Nutrition & Food Sciences Assistant Researcher
Ahmed Abdo Abdelrazik Khairallah Medical Research Division Research division Internal Medicine Department 0000-0002-4701-1714
Heba Nabil Ali Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research division Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds Assistant Researcher
Marwa Said Hassan El sayed Engineering Research division Systems & Information Assistant Researcher 1478520abcdefg
Mostafa Gamal Mohamed Khamis Chemical Industries Research division Polymers and Pigments Assistant Researcher 0000-0003-3196-9810
shaymaa abd allah ismael Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research division Natural and Microbial Products. Researcher
marwa youssef Division of Environmental Research Water Pollution Research Assistant Researcher
Heba Ibrahim Mohammed Mohammed Ali Shafey Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research division Cell Biology Researcher
Abdelmohsen Moustafa Abdelmohsen Abdelattif Textile Industries Research division Pretreatment & Finishing of Cellulose Based Textiles. Researcher 0000-0002-4954-5656


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