Picture | Name | Institute | Department | Degree | Orcid |
Enaam Mohammed AbouZeid | Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research division | Pharmacognosy | Assistant Researcher | |
Asmaa Magdy Ahmed Mohamed Abozied | Physics Research division | Spectroscopy Department | Assistant Researcher | 0000-0001-8490-2308 |
Mohamed KHaled AbdElkader Eid | Oral & Dental Research division | Basic Dental Sciences Department | Assistant Researcher | |
moustafa nouh abdelrheem badr elemeery | Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research division | Department of Microbial Biotechnology | Assistant Researcher | https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6507-7920 |
Amina Nabih AbdElhameed AbdElwahab | Oral & Dental Research division | Basic Dental Sciences Department | Assistant Researcher | |
Mona Abdullah Abdullaziz Mahmoud | Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research division | Natural and Microbial Products. | Researcher Assistant | 0000-0003-2310-9538 |
Mohamed Abdelmoghny Ramadan Helal | Veterinary Research division | Department of Parasitology and Animal Diseases | Assistant Researcher | |
Sahera Fathallah Mohamed Ali | Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research division | Department of Microbial Biotechnology | Researcher Professor | 0000-0002-5328-2182 |
Ahmed Abdel Fattah Ibrahim Soliman Hasabo | Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research division | Pharmacognosy | Researcher | 0000-0002-5046-8088 |
Mona Mohammad Abd Elmageed Agwa | Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research division | Natural and Microbial Products. | Researcher | 0000-0003-0232-7616 |
wael abdullah ahmed abdullah | Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research division | Phytochemistry Department | Assistant Researcher | 0000-0003-2449-7050 |
Fatma Elzahraa Sayed Mohamed | Food Industry and Nutrition Research division | Department of Nutrition & Food Sciences | Assistant Researcher | |
Ahmed Abdo Abdelrazik Khairallah | Medical Research Division Research division | Internal Medicine Department | 0000-0002-4701-1714 | |
Heba Nabil Ali | Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research division | Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds | Assistant Researcher | |
Marwa Said Hassan El sayed | Engineering Research division | Systems & Information | Assistant Researcher | 1478520abcdefg |
Mostafa Gamal Mohamed Khamis | Chemical Industries Research division | Polymers and Pigments | Assistant Researcher | 0000-0003-3196-9810 |
shaymaa abd allah ismael | Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research division | Natural and Microbial Products. | Researcher | |
marwa youssef | Division of Environmental Research | Water Pollution Research | Assistant Researcher | |
Heba Ibrahim Mohammed Mohammed Ali Shafey | Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research division | Cell Biology | Researcher | orcid.org/0000-0002-2836-029X |
Abdelmohsen Moustafa Abdelmohsen Abdelattif | Textile Industries Research division | Pretreatment & Finishing of Cellulose Based Textiles. | Researcher | 0000-0002-4954-5656 |
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