  • استاذ دكتور محمد محمود هاشم
  • معهد بحوث الصناعات النسيجية
  • قسم التحضيرات والتجهيزات
  • الأستاذ الدكتور/ ممدوح معوض
  • معهد بحوث الهندسة الوراثية والتكنولوجيا الحيوية
  • قسم الكيمياء الحيوية
  • استاذ دكتور حسين درويش
  • معهد بحوث الصناعات الكيماوية غير العضوية والموارد المعدنية
  • قسم أبحاث الزجاج


Picture Name Institute Department Degree Orcid
Basant Salah Abdel Moneam Mahmoud Medical Research Division Research division Hormones Assistant Researcher
Ahmed Fotouh Abdallah Ibrahim Veterinary Research division Department of Parasitology and Animal Diseases Assistant Researcher
waleed abu el hammed abd el gafaar Veterinary Research division Department of Parasitology and Animal Diseases Assistant Researcher
marwa mahmoud badawy salman Veterinary Research division Zoonotic Diseases. Assistant Researcher 0000-0001-5489-5303
sara hamada abdelrazik draz Veterinary Research division Zoonotic Diseases.
Ahmed mohamed Maher Hashim Veterinary Research division Zoonotic Diseases. Researcher
Sara Ibrahim Attia Mohamed Inorganic Chemical Industries and Mineral Resources Research division Refractories, Ceramics & Building Materials Researcher
Sameh Abdel-Moez Ahmed Hassan Amer Veterinary Research division Poultry Diseases Researcher
Mohamed Abdelraof Mahoud Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research division Clinical Genetics Department Researcher 0000-0001-9238-9962
Karima Ahmed Hamed Ahmed Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research division Cell Biology Assistant Researcher
Ahmed abd EL-Fatah EL-Olemy Agriculture and Biology Research division Animal Production Department Assistant Researcher
Ahmed Mosaad Abd EL-Salam Agriculture and Biology Research division Animal Production Department
Alaa Yousri Kamel Emam Agriculture and Biology Research division Animal Production Department
Yaser Mohamed Fathey Ibrahim Sanad Veterinary Research division Department of Parasitology and Animal Diseases Researcher
Bayomi Abdel Magid Ali Bayomi Veterinary Research division Department of Parasitology and Animal Diseases Assistant Researcher
sherien magdy aly Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research division Phytochemistry and Plant Systematics Researcher Assistant
Mohammed Ibrahim Mohammed Ali Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research division Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Researches Department Researcher Assistant
Radwa Hosam El-Din Helmy Higazy Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research division Cell Biology Assistant Researcher 0000-0002-1067-9489
Nouran Adel Mohammed Ahmed Youssef Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research division Cell Biology Researcher Assistant 0000-0002-4197-1976
Eman Elsayed Elsayed Ghanaym Inorganic Chemical Industries and Mineral Resources Research division Refractories, Ceramics & Building Materials Researcher Assistant


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