  • استاذ دكتور محمد محمود هاشم
  • معهد بحوث الصناعات النسيجية
  • قسم التحضيرات والتجهيزات
  • الأستاذ الدكتور/ ممدوح معوض
  • معهد بحوث الهندسة الوراثية والتكنولوجيا الحيوية
  • قسم الكيمياء الحيوية
  • استاذ دكتور حسين درويش
  • معهد بحوث الصناعات الكيماوية غير العضوية والموارد المعدنية
  • قسم أبحاث الزجاج


Picture Name Institute Department Degree Orcid
Mohamed Eid Tawfik Mohamed Food Industry and Nutrition Research division Toxins & Food Pollutants
Nesma Mohamed Abdel-Aliem Moghieth Food Industry and Nutrition Research division Toxins & Food Pollutants
Amira Abdel Kareem Mohamed Goda Food Industry and Nutrition Research division Toxins & Food Pollutants Assistant Researcher
Marwa Abdul Azim Younos Hassan Food Industry and Nutrition Research division Toxins & Food Pollutants Assistant Researcher
Mohamed Badie taher Kattaria Human Genetics & Genome Research division Department of Genetics and Cytology Assistant Researcher
Heba Ahmed Ali Mohamed El-Sayed . Human Genetics & Genome Research division Department of Genetics and Cytology Assistant Researcher
Karima Rafat Mahmoud youssef Human Genetics & Genome Research division Department of Genetics and Cytology Assistant Researcher
Hisham Fathi Subbah Sleem Chemical Industries Research division Tanning Materials and Leather Technology Researcher
Mohamed Gad Elhak Human Genetics & Genome Research division Department of Genetics and Cytology Assistant Researcher i$lam1291956
hebatallah Ali Elsayed Engineering Research division Civil Engineering Researcher 0000-0002-0248-9511
Ahmed Salem Gabr Engineering Research division Civil Engineering Researcher
Mariam Ayman Mohamed Farid Abouhadid Engineering Research division Civil Engineering Researcher 0000-0002-7714-6572
Ahmed Gamaleldin Abdelhamed Elshaarrawi Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research division Cell Biology Researcher Assistant
Dina Mostafa Mohammed Mohammed Mahdy Food Industry and Nutrition Research division Department of Nutrition & Food Sciences Assistant Researcher 0000-0003-3376-5010
Mamdouh Abdo Ali Abdo Agriculture and Biology Research division Water Relations Department & Field Irrigation Assistant Professor
Zeinab Abdel-aal Saleh Salama Food Industry and Nutrition Research division Department of Nutrition & Food Sciences Emeritus Professor 0000-0002-0791-7554
Soraya Adel Hassan Ibrahim Food Industry and Nutrition Research division Department of Nutrition & Food Sciences Assistant Researcher
Marwa Ahmed Desoukey Food Industry and Nutrition Research division Department of Nutrition & Food Sciences
Dina Abdallah Nagi Abdelaziz Human Genetics & Genome Research division Department of Genetics and Cytology Assistant Researcher
Hamed Abdel-Al Ali Okda Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research division Department of Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Researcher Assistant


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