Short Name | Arabic Name | Institute | Title | Source Title | ISSNFULL | Evaluation Year |
Abouel Fotouh, Aziz M. | عبد العزيز محمود ابو الفتوح | معهد البحوث الهندسية | Effects of operation conditions on the apparent rate constant of copper removal in a packed-bed electrolytic reactor | Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences | 9758585 | 2016 |
Abouel Fotouh, Aziz M. | عبد العزيز محمود ابو الفتوح | معهد البحوث الهندسية | Design of composite pipes conveying fluid for improved stability characteristics | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | 9734562 | 2016 |
Ali Yehia, Khaled Ahmed | خالد احمد على يحيي | معهد البحوث الهندسية | Design of composite pipes conveying fluid for improved stability characteristics | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | 9734562 | 2016 |
El-Anwar, Mohamed I. | محمد ابراهيم محمد الانور | معهد البحوث الهندسية | Finite element study on continuous rotating versus reciprocating nickel-titanium instruments | Brazilian Dental Journal | 1036440 | 2016 |
Khattab, Nagwas M. | نجوى محمد يوسف خطاب | معهد البحوث الهندسية | Feasibility of hybrid renewable energy water pumping system for a small farm in Egypt | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | 9734562 | 2016 |
El Shenawy, E. T. | عصام توفيق محمد الشناوى | معهد البحوث الهندسية | Feasibility of hybrid renewable energy water pumping system for a small farm in Egypt | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | 9734562 | 2016 |
El Gammal, Mohamed Adel | محمد عادل غريب الجمال | معهد البحوث الهندسية | Evaluation of field concrete deterioration under real conditions of seawater attack | Construction and Building Materials | 9500618 | 2016 |
El Kady, Hala Mohamed Gamal | هاله محمد جمال الدين القاضى | معهد البحوث الهندسية | Enhancement of fire resistance of reinforced concrete beams using steel fibers | ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences | 18196608 | 2016 |
Mansour, Ashraf Mansour Habib | اشرف منصور حبيب منصور | معهد البحوث الهندسية | Sustainable youth community development in Egypt | Alexandria Engineering Journal | 11100168 | 2016 |
Hashem, Somaya | سميه حسن هاشم احمد | معهد البحوث الهندسية | Accurate Prediction of Advanced Liver Fibrosis Using the Decision Tree Learning Algorithm in Chronic Hepatitis C Egyptian Patients | Gastroenterology Research and Practice | 16876121 | 2016 |
Abdelhamid, Nehal | نهال عبد الحميد صادق ابراهيم | معهد البحوث الطبية | Effect of raw camel milk on proinflammatoryadipocytokines levels in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus | Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences | 9758585 | 2016 |
El-Alameey, Inas R. | ايناس رفاعى السيد العليمى | معهد البحوث الطبية | Dietary behaviour pattern and physical activity in overweight and obese Egyptian mothers: Relationships with their children’s body mass index | Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | 18575749 | 2016 |
Selim, Abeer | عبير سليم اسماعيل احمد مصطفى | معهد البحوث الطبية | Effect of raw camel milk on proinflammatoryadipocytokines levels in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus | Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences | 9758585 | 2016 |
Salah, M. M. | مهاب محمد صلاح عبد المقصود | معهد البحوث الطبية | Simple screening procedures for evaluation of some health problems in children living at remote areas | Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences | 9758585 | 2016 |
Raslan, Hala M. | هاله محمد زكى رسلان | معهد البحوث الطبية | A simple and sensitive HPLC/UV method for determination of meloxicam in human plasma for bioavailability and bioequivalence studies | Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science | 22313354 | 2016 |
Ezzat, Wafaa M. | وفاء محمد عزت بيومى سعيد | معهد البحوث الطبية | Hepatitis C virus and schistosomiasis as a causative factor for hTERT amplification in hepatocellular carcinoma | Gene Reports | 24520144 | 2016 |
Ezzat, Wafaa Mohamed | وفاء محمد عزت بيومى سعيد | معهد البحوث الطبية | Diagnostic accuracy of Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) in diagnosis of liver fibrosis among Egyptian patients with chronic HCV infection | Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | 18575749 | 2016 |
Elhosary, Yasser A. | ياسر عبد الغنى عبدالعظيم الحصرى | معهد البحوث الطبية | Diagnostic accuracy of Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) in diagnosis of liver fibrosis among Egyptian patients with chronic HCV infection | Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | 18575749 | 2016 |
Hammad, Fadua Fwad | فدوى فؤاد السيد حماد | معهد بحوث الصناعات الكيماوية غير العضوية | Comparison of the electrical properties for undoped and doped Indium Tin Oxide with nanometal oxides | InterCeram: International Ceramic Review | 205214 | 2016 |
El-Toumy, Sayed A. | سيد عبد الحميد أحمد التومى | معهد بحوث الصناعات الكيماوية | Cytotoxic and antioxidant activities of secondary metabolites from Pulicaria undulata | International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | 9751491 | 2016 |
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