Short Name | Arabic Name | Institute | Title | Source Title | ISSNFULL | Evaluation Year |
Kandil, O. M | امنيه محمد توفيق قنديل | معهد البحوث البيطرية | Phylogenetic patterns of Haemonchus contortus and related trichostrongylid nematodes isolated from Egyptian sheep | Journal of Helminthology | 0022149X | 2016 |
Mahmoud, Marwa S. | منى سعيد محمود محمد بدوى | معهد البحوث البيطرية | Phylogenetic patterns of Haemonchus contortus and related trichostrongylid nematodes isolated from Egyptian sheep | Journal of Helminthology | 0022149X | 2016 |
Abou El Dobal, Sanaa K A | سناء كمال احمد ابو الدبل | معهد البحوث البيطرية | Diagnosis of sheep trichostrongylosis based on imune response profile in experimental rabbit infection | Research Journal of Parasitology | 18164943 | 2016 |
Shalaby, H. A. | حاتم عبد الموجود عبد الموجود شلبى | معهد البحوث البيطرية | Tegumental effects of methanolic extract of Balanites aegyptiaca fruits on adult Paramphistomum microbothrium (Fischoeder 1901) under laboratory conditions | Iranian Journal of Parasitology | 17357020 | 2016 |
Hassan, Soad E. | سعاد السيد حسن سالم عبد الله | معهد البحوث البيطرية | Diagnosis of sheep trichostrongylosis based on imune response profile in experimental rabbit infection | Research Journal of Parasitology | 18164943 | 2016 |
El Namaky, A. H. | اميره حسن محمد الشاذلى النمكى | معهد البحوث البيطرية | Phylogenetic patterns of Haemonchus contortus and related trichostrongylid nematodes isolated from Egyptian sheep | Journal of Helminthology | 0022149X | 2016 |
Farag, Tarek K. | طارق قرنى فرج عبد المقصود | معهد البحوث البيطرية | Tegumental effects of methanolic extract of Balanites aegyptiaca fruits on adult Paramphistomum microbothrium (Fischoeder 1901) under laboratory conditions | Iranian Journal of Parasitology | 17357020 | 2016 |
Abdelrahman, K. A. | خالد عبد الرحمن ابو المعاطى عبد الرحمن | معهد البحوث البيطرية | Phylogenetic patterns of Haemonchus contortus and related trichostrongylid nematodes isolated from Egyptian sheep | Journal of Helminthology | 0022149X | 2016 |
Okda, Faten A. | فاتن عبد العال على عقده | معهد البحوث البيطرية | Immunogenicity of a recombinant parapoxvirus expressing the spike protein of Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus | Journal of General Virology | 221317 | 2016 |
Hammam, A. M. | عبد المحسن محمد همام على | معهد البحوث البيطرية | Developmental competence of buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) oocytes: Effect of oocytes quality, protein additives, hormonal supplement and type of capacitating agents | Buffalo Bulletin | 1256726 | 2016 |
El-Sheshtawy, Reda I. | رضا ابراهيم الششتاوى الغرباوى | معهد البحوث البيطرية | Natural honey as a cryoprotectant to improve Arab stallion post-thawing sperm parameters | Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction | 23050500 | 2016 |
El-Sheshtawy, Reda I. | رضا ابراهيم الششتاوى الغرباوى | معهد البحوث البيطرية | Effects of pomegranate juice in Tris-based extender on cattle semen quality after chilling and cryopreservation | Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction | 23050500 | 2016 |
El-Sheshtawy, Reda I. | رضا ابراهيم الششتاوى الغرباوى | معهد البحوث البيطرية | Freezability of buffalo semen with TRIS extender enriched with disaccharides (trehalose or sucrose) and different glycerol concentrations | Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction | 23050500 | 2016 |
El-Nattat, W. S. | وليد سعيد محمد مصطفى النطاط | معهد البحوث البيطرية | Natural honey as a cryoprotectant to improve Arab stallion post-thawing sperm parameters | Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction | 23050500 | 2016 |
El-Nattat, W. S. | وليد سعيد محمد مصطفى النطاط | معهد البحوث البيطرية | Effects of pomegranate juice in Tris-based extender on cattle semen quality after chilling and cryopreservation | Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction | 23050500 | 2016 |
Mahmoud, K. Gh M | كريمه غنيمى محمد محمود | معهد البحوث البيطرية | Effects of cysteamine during in vitro maturation on viability and meiotic competence of vitrified buffalo oocytes | Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research | 17281997 | 2016 |
Abd El-Razik, Khaled A. | خالد عبد الحميد عبد الرازق عطوه | معهد البحوث البيطرية | Prevalence and phylogenetic characterization of Listeria monocytogenes isolated from processed meat marketed in Egypt | Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology | 1687157X | 2016 |
Yamamah, Gamal Abdel Naser | جمال عبد الناصر حسن يمامة | معهد البحوث الطبية | Simple screening procedures for evaluation of some health problems in children living at remote areas | Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences | 9758585 | 2016 |
Salama, E. Eldin Ezzat | عماد الدين عزت سلامه | معهد البحوث الطبية | Effect of raw camel milk on proinflammatoryadipocytokines levels in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus | Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences | 9758585 | 2016 |
Galal, Ashraf F. | اشرف جلال محمد محمود | معهد البحوث الطبية | Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 levels in children on hemodialysis: Association with MMP-9 C-1562T gene polymorphism and vitamin D levels | International Journal of Biomedical Science | 15509702 | 2016 |
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